Below is a list of external websites that I either enjoy, find useful, throw frisbees at, or a combination of the above. -- Without this site, I wouldn't have all the superneat features here that I do...such as a working contact mail() page. You should praise them.
DSL Homepage -- Damn Small Linux is...damn small. An excellent development tool for the construction of morpfhine, I can't thank these guys enough for the joy of super-portable Linux distros. My life would have been much more difficult without them.
Oh, that, and its just damn cool to use it on pretty much any computer, anywhere.
deviantArt -- My external Deviant Art page. It holds most of my gallery, however not all of it. The primary reason for me hanging on to it is the Prints function. Yeah, I can get 'em cheaper elsewhere, but laziness works in my favor here.
Real Action Paintball -- THE supplier for milsim and realistic scenario paintball play. Makers of the T68 pistol, which is reviewed by me on my Thoughts page. Not cheap, but
NIN Source -- The definitive Nine Inch Nails resource. Title says it all right there. Next best thing to actually going to The Reznor's website. -- A place to learn about the most adorable, sexually confused little roadster in production.
As I dig up more interesting sites, I'll be sure to slap them up here. Or, as I remember cool sites I forgot to put here, I'll...put here.